Strongest evidence yet that Ozempic and Wegovy reduce alcohol intake

When something is banned, it’s probably a good idea to be at least slightly afraid of it. Despite the lore behind it, absinthe can’t really make you hallucinate, but it used to be made so boozy that people truly thought they were tripping. Be sure to properly dilute this liquid if you dare to imbibe […]

Have a problem with alcohol? There is a solution Alcoholics Anonymous

As you grow in your sobriety and learn more about yourself, you may find that your concept of a Higher Power changes as well. The most important thing is that you keep an open mind and heart as you continue on your sobriety journey. Finally, self-reliance can be dangerous because it can lead to complacency. […]

Alcohol Does Dehydrate You Heres What to Do About It

And while the non-alcoholic fluids in beer, wine, and liquor are inherently hydrating, they’re not necessarily hydrating enough to offset the effects of alcohol-induced dehydration. Besides dehydration, alcohol can have other negative effects on the body. For this reason, a person should drink alcohol in moderation and avoid binge-drinking or chronic heavy drinking. ”The higher […]

Business Contingency Plan Examples: Prepare for the unexpected

Designed specifically for small businesses, this template uses a pre-built, all-inclusive contingency plan to provide guidance for modestly sized organizations. Take the guesswork out of creating a contingency plan from scratch, and leverage the advantages of this small-business-specific template. Contingency plans offer organizations a proactive strategy for resuming daily functions and operations following unforeseen events. […]